Thursday, February 12, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

Ive seen millions of people doing this on Facebook, here is mine:

1. I LOVE taking HOT showers. They are so refreshing.

2. Ive been crying a lot lately, which is 100% times more than usual, since Im not a cryer AT ALL. But I've actually been crying in a way that is helping me, if that makes sense. Sometimes a good cry helps.

3. I haven't had a Valentine since the 7th grade, which is equivalent to not having a Valentine at all because it doesn't really count

4. I put on this front that I don't care about alot of stuff especially when it comes to guys, but I usually do. But from the self-fulfilling prophecy idea, I figure that if I tell myself I don't care, then eventually I won't. And it works because eventually I end up not caring forreal.

5. I have never seen my father a day in my life. Never talked to him. I used to know what his name was but over the years I forgot. And I can honestly say that I don't really care.

6. Im a Mama's Girl.

7. I just started tearing up as Im writing this. I don't even know why. lol

8. Ever since this guy I met died in a freak accident, I worry that things like that are going to happen to my family and friends.

9. I hate college. Never liked it. Never felt like it was anything other than the next step after high school.

10. But I regret not fully participating in the college experience. I should have went to a black school

11. I hate UNC for my own personal reasons and I refuse to wear any of my Carolina clothing or Carolina blue at all for that matter. And I vow never to step foot in Chapel Hill again once I graduate.

12. Yes, I haven't graduated. And at this point, I don't really care whether I do or not. But I will, only because it would devastate my mother if I didn't.

13. I hate when people insinuate stuff about me that is completely out of my character. For example, this guy asked me if I was playing on his phone, and I got mad. Because I don't even like talking on the phone, number 1, and playing on the phone is some childish ass shit that Im just too grown to be doing.

14. Speaking of guys, I hate when they assume that Im going to act just like the little childish ass girls they are used to dealing with, and so they treat me and talk to me as such. Fuck that. Im not a dumb female AT ALL. Im smart, for future reference.

15. The greatest thing a guy has ever said to me was, "I wish you was a dumb girl who would just do whatever I ask them to do." All I could do was smile...

16. I hate the sound styrofoam makes when you move it or touch it. It makes me cringe

17. My first tattoo will be the words Carte Blanch somewhere on my body.

18. I used to not really like light skinned guys, unless they were extra sexy. But now, since living in MD, I want me one so bad. lol. I see them all the time, with long ass ponytails, and hats. SEXY. I even used to hate hair on guys, I think I love it now. lol

19. I want some white friends. No disrespect to my black friends, but I be wanting to do some different shit, and experience some different things. Cause its so hard to get my black friends to do "white stuff," like karaoke, and skydiving.

20. Lately, I have been going to sleep around 10-11 pm and waking up at 8:30 am. So Not me. My former hours were probably going to sleep around 3-4 am and waking up around 11 am.

21. I read the dictionary. In fact, I was on looking up words the other day, FOR FUN. My vocabulary is impeccable.

22. I hate wearing underwear. But I pretty much have to, so the only time I don't put any on is when I'm going to sleep or just chillin at home. I started wearing alot of thongs lately too. They are the closest thing to wearing nothing.

23. I want to travel. Everywhere. From the smallest towns, to the most exotic of places.

24. One of my legs used to be shorter than the other one because I broke one of my legs in the growth plate on a trampoline when I was younger. And I had to wait until my other one stopped growing before I could do anything about it.

25. I bought something for a guy for the first time in my life this past Christmas. And it was weird because I actually wanted to get him something, and I didn't care whether he got me something or not. I think I just like giving people stuff just so I can see their reactions.


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

we can nver worry about the unknown and what we cannot control

Muah!!! said...

I worry, but I don't let it ruin me or affect my actions / life.

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