Sunday, January 13, 2008

He Said It, I Didn't, But I Concur

From Prolyfic on Okayplayer Messageboard

>...but continue to do you hun (yes im a female
>so this isn't a "no homo" situation lol)

no sweetie , trakk already schooled me on you guy eh gals actually just 2 days ago . which helped explain alot of things like the shoutout to you girls before go baby , cuz up until he cleared that up , i thought it was a wack heres my token chick song type of thing .. and i guess i'm not a lady so since lupe told me that song was'nt for me lol

.. but anyways i like what you girls are doing for lupe , not all artist have the privilege to have a loyal fan base that would go to the extent you girls go thru , and the fact that you all are girls makes it well .. not gay lol .. keep up the good work


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha he replied back to me...the femmes are seriously taking over lol

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