Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Life Venture: Write A Book

I was watching a commerical for a movie coming out called "The Bucket List." A Bucket list is a list of things that you want to do before you, well Kick the Bucket, Take the Long Nap, Bite the Dust, Clock Out for Good, or more simply put DIE.

So I have decided that I want to write a bucket list now because Im always thinking of things that I want to do before I die. I'm going to write it and add it on the side of this blog one day. But as for now, I just thought about one thing that I need to add to my list and that is WRITE A BOOK. I've already started on one book and I have like maybe 8 pages and I did that over a year ago. Its more of the "Flyy Girl," and "Zane" type book genre. You know, those sex & drama filled books that everyone loves so much. So I think Im going to pick it back up and continue to write a little bit each day, or when Im in the writing mood. I also think I am going to write a self-help book of sorts and an opinion book on different topics and my views on each topic. As well as a series of Children's books. I love writing so this will be fun for me. Wish me luck. I wanna write the books within this year, but Im going to give myself like 5 years. LOL. Seems like alot but I still have a lot to learn and experience, so we will see how this goes. Maybe I'll end up knocking out 10 books this year. I could do it. I don't do shit else, which reminds me, I need to get a life.

1 comment:

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

well get started. mine is to get the 16 i have finished published. i got 5 out now, u can do it

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