I'm watching Celebrity Fit Club: Boot Camp, and Erin Moran just simulated an orgasm in front of EVERYBODY on the show after a drunken night. I LOVE DRUNK PEOPLE, you can always count on them for a Good Laugh.

I had a fairly pleasant conversation with a "friend" today. The first one in a long time, even though I talk to him just about everyday. Hopefully we can continue on this trend of pleasant conversations instead of the usual conversations that end with me saying, "FUCK HIM!"
Its funny how everybody claims to miss me, yet the moment I come home, I see NO SIGNS OF IT AT ALL. No calls, no visits, no nothing. WHY DID I COME HOME AGAIN??? Somebody PLEASE let me know because I've been planning my return back to DC/MD since I got home.

I've planned what I want to do for my birthday this year. Since I didn't have the Grand extravaganza I wanted to have for my 21st Birthday, I think this year I plan to have a "21 AGAIN" celebration for my Birthday. I'm going to party as if I officially became truly legal since I missed out the first time. And when I say Celebration, I mean CELEBRATION!!!! The only thing now is I need about $2,500-$5,000 to really do it how I want to. So yeah, Imma grind this summer and let my birthday be the payoff for it all. Can't Wait. Its gonna be RIDICULOUS. If you can make it, I suggest you do, cause when I party, I PARTY!!!! Guaranteed GOOD TIME!!!!
Strippers maybe? Maybe not the female ones so much, but hey, why not? The wilder, the better. You only turn 21 twice ONCE...LOL
Its funny cause I came here to talk about something I was thinking about but have completely forgot what it was in all this other randomness. LOL. Guess it wasn't really THAT important. But as Im writing randomnly, I wonder who reads this blog. I bet nobody because I think I write to much. Thats why I tried to include pictures to break up the words.
my cousin has been 21 for the past 11 years lol
haha, I might make that my birthday theme each birthday for now on. 21 AGAIN!!! LOL
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