"I just have one thing to say about promise rings. It's not bad to wear a promise ring because not everybody, guy or girl, wants to be a slut."
Wear your promise ring hunny!! Wear it proudly. In fact, props to you for even committing to something like that with all the fine sexy men gracing this earth. You don't know what you're missing. But I digress...
I take offense to this statement because I never wore a promise ring, and I never made the committment to not have sex until marriage, but I AM NOT a SLUT. Well at least I don't think I am, some hoes I know would beg to differ, but fuck them. Again I digress...
But having sex doesn't make you a slut sweetie. It makes your butt bigger. LOL. Naw I'm playing, I'm not sure if thats been proven yet. But your decision to not have sex DOES NOT make you any better than someone elses decision to NOT have sex. The people who make the decision to have sex for the wrong reasons and make bad sex decisions make the people like ME, who chose to have sex for the right reasons look bad.
But since you've never had sex I can't expect you to see my point that Sex can be great. So I won't even go into detail about it. But I will say that I know you're probably doing the whole promise ring thing for religious purposes and I respect that. Some people just chose to go a different route. You know God looks down on you judging other people by their actions too right? I don't judge you. And you shouldn't judge me because I have to test drive my car before I buy it. I'm just saying...
God Knows I love him. He knows I want to do the right thing. And when I don't he forgives me and loves me the same.

1 comment:
yeah...Jordin was wrong for saying that. I don't believe in sex before marriage either [because I'm muslim] but that doesn't mean she has to down people who do.
But yeah...thanks for the comment on my blog...I wrote that before I started to get into Lil Wayne. I mean...he's still no LUPE. LOL! But, he is doing his thing. Like Jay-Z said, you can't knock the hustle. I just can't stand hearing him on the radio or seeing him in music vids all the time. I'm just ready to see a new face, that's all.
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